сряда, 16 декември 2015 г.

Sacramento Beauty School Provides Beauty Career Training Programs

By Ivy Catubig

If you have ever dreamed of a career that requires skill and creativity, then a career in the beauty industry may be for you. There are several career paths in the industry, cosmetology and esthetician for example. You can find a beauty school Sacramento to pursue the education of your choice.

In addition to cosmetology there are programs with a more narrow focus. Manicuring, esthetics and massage therapy are also available. Tuition for the full cosmetology course is around twenty thousand dollars. All other courses have a lesser tuition. Regardless which program you choose, you can apply for grants or student loans to see if you qualify.

There are different amounts of hours required for the various programs. It requires sixteen hundred hours to complete the cosmetology program. The esthetics program has a requirement of six hundred hours. Completion of the program of your choice qualifies the student to take the California State Board exam and become a licensed professional.

The exam for cosmetology takes the entire day. There is a written exam to test the knowledge of theory. Then the applicant will be required to demonstrate their skills on a model. The exam instructors will watch as the applicants cut hair, color hair and style hair. Following the completion of the exam, the applicants will be notified if they passed and are eligible for a license. After receiving your license, you are qualified to work as a cosmetologist.

It would be best to do some online research then narrow your choices down to three and visit those schools. Meeting the people and seeing the facilities provides good information for you to decide. Accreditation is typically noted by the school on their websites and in their materials. Be sure the school of your choice is accredited.

Whichever career path you choose you will be equipped to build a career that involves creativity and contact with your clients. Good people skills are important for success. With your colleagues and clients you will get to know some interesting people.

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