четвъртък, 25 април 2019 г.

Elements Involved In The Philippines Commercial Project Finance

By Linda Jones

Investing in big programs usually require a lot of money. A single person cannot provide this kind of money. Even if you think that you can run the program on your own, you will still need external financing. Industrial programs and government initiatives usually require external financing from investors. Hence, there must be parties that run this kind of funding so that there can be accountability. If these initiatives lack proper management, funds will be lost, and the investors will suffer huge losses. For this reason, below are some key parties that run the Philippines Commercial Project Finance you should know about.

The first element is composed of a limited partnership or a corporation created to run this kind of financing. It is also referred to as the private sector partnership or ownership. It is, therefore, a group of people that manage the project financing process. This kind of partnership is commonly referred to as a projectco. It is the center or heart of every contract involving the program as well as borrowing, construction and running the program.

The sponsor is the second party of the initiative who manages the entire initiative. The sponsor owns the program. If the initiative becomes a success, the sponsor gets profits either by virtue of ownership or management of contracts. Therefore, the sponsor takes responsibility for overseeing the success of the program. He thus takes all risks as well as liabilities to make sure the program succeeds.

The lender is the main third party that runs the financing of commercial programs. This is usually made up of a group of institutional investors, commercial and central banks. These are the willing lenders that have accepted to provide funding for the program. They thus pool their funds by forming a syndicate that will guide them.

The fourth element is called the agent. This usually is one lender who is selected by the other lenders to become the agent. Therefore, the agent is a representative of all other lenders involved when administering the loan. This agent has to be selected collectively by all the other lenders. If there is more than one proposal, the lenders can vote.

The fifth party involved in this financing process is called the account bank. The lenders collectively select the account bank that will hold the accounts of the program. Hence, all the money that the initiative will realize will pass through this account. This will help with accountability for all the parties involved.

The equity investors are the sixth elements that run this kind of financing. These include lenders as well as sponsors that are not active in running the initiative. Lenders thus become shareholders and get profits that are added to their loans. Sponsors can decide to buy shares as they are also shareholders.

The contractors, customers, and suppliers are also other vital elements. Suppliers will provide materials for running the initiative. Contractors will be the designers and builders of the project while the customers will help in running the initiative as well as the cash flow.

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