The world of multilevel marketing is one that has attracted positive and negative criticism in equal measures. The unbelievers have branded LifeVantage scam due to their fast growth and profitability. LifeVantage grew their revenues by a whopping 65 percent in 2013 a figure many companies who die for. This impressive growth in revenue pushed their income for the year to record 208 million.
The company has had some issues in the past which is the base for the negative criticism. Back in the year 2005 some vital truth was not given to the public when all the credit for Protadium discovery was given to Dr. Joe McCord. Protadium happens to me LifeVantage's main product manufactured which medical articles have claimed in boosts people health by cutting down levels of oxidative stress which is the cause of increased disease infections.
Paul MyHill in 2009 claimed that he was a part of the Protadium discoverers. He did not hide his disappointment with LifeVantage for giving all credit to Dr. McCord. The reason he gave for his 4 year silence was that they wanted to benefit from Dr. McCord's big name in the industry. To back his claims was a signed letter from McCough acknowledging MyHill to be one of the people behind Protadium discovery. This is one of the scams of the company.
In the year 2012 another rumors emerged from that LifeVantage had bought out Dr. McCord for $1.7 million after they had announced that he had retired. A company called Zrii filed a case against Life Vantage for trying to weaken the value of the company in order to buy it out. The court punished LifeVantage by a punitive $400,000 damage pay to Zrii. This is just one of the lawsuits the company has faced over the years
It hasn't had it smooth with the employees too as they have had their fair share of lawsuits. A former distributor of the mlm, Burke Hedges in 2011 filed a case in seek of compensations at the tune of $3 million for being terminated wrongfully. Jason Domingo another employee in 2013 was not only fired by the company, but a case was filed against him for leaking company secrets.
The question then arises, should you shun LifeVantage? It would be unfair to judge the company on past mistakes. The issues they have had all had to deal with their employees and a few lies on the inventions but not one complain has been noted from their clients. The clients and distributors get their pay on the due date without delays.
The company is a member of Direct Selling Association (DSA) an association that closely monitors multi level marketing companies' ethics. DSA has said Life Vantage is the best networking company with the best compensation plan in America. What can be more reassuring than a compliment from your regulator?
LifeVantage is a public company with its shares trading in NASDAQ. One of the requirements for a listed company is to release its reports regularly to the public. You don't expect audited reports from a public company to have been doctored using creative accounting so the impressive growth Life Vantage has shown is real.
It is by good relation with employees and distributors a growth like the one reported in 2013 can be achieved. Satisfied distributors who are the drivers for growth will put more effort in their marketing to earn more commissions. Protadium is on high demand to make pharmaceutical products which you will find in pharmacy near you.
The benefits are many when you signup to be Life Vantage's distributor. The products you are selling are really great and the commission is the best in the market today. Under the regulation of DSA and requirements of public companies know that you are protected. You can even buy shares of the company to be working for yourself and making double earnings from the company
If you compare LifeVantage with other companies in multi level marketing you will be shocked how the others have had so many lawsuit and boardroom fights. Melaleuca for instance, has terminated many of its distributors plus has many cases in court. The devil of greed in money causes all this.
Life Vantage scam claims can't hold ground because of past mistakes. You will get the best mlm compensation plan in LifeVantage. This may be just the company you have been looking for.
The company has had some issues in the past which is the base for the negative criticism. Back in the year 2005 some vital truth was not given to the public when all the credit for Protadium discovery was given to Dr. Joe McCord. Protadium happens to me LifeVantage's main product manufactured which medical articles have claimed in boosts people health by cutting down levels of oxidative stress which is the cause of increased disease infections.
Paul MyHill in 2009 claimed that he was a part of the Protadium discoverers. He did not hide his disappointment with LifeVantage for giving all credit to Dr. McCord. The reason he gave for his 4 year silence was that they wanted to benefit from Dr. McCord's big name in the industry. To back his claims was a signed letter from McCough acknowledging MyHill to be one of the people behind Protadium discovery. This is one of the scams of the company.
In the year 2012 another rumors emerged from that LifeVantage had bought out Dr. McCord for $1.7 million after they had announced that he had retired. A company called Zrii filed a case against Life Vantage for trying to weaken the value of the company in order to buy it out. The court punished LifeVantage by a punitive $400,000 damage pay to Zrii. This is just one of the lawsuits the company has faced over the years
It hasn't had it smooth with the employees too as they have had their fair share of lawsuits. A former distributor of the mlm, Burke Hedges in 2011 filed a case in seek of compensations at the tune of $3 million for being terminated wrongfully. Jason Domingo another employee in 2013 was not only fired by the company, but a case was filed against him for leaking company secrets.
The question then arises, should you shun LifeVantage? It would be unfair to judge the company on past mistakes. The issues they have had all had to deal with their employees and a few lies on the inventions but not one complain has been noted from their clients. The clients and distributors get their pay on the due date without delays.
The company is a member of Direct Selling Association (DSA) an association that closely monitors multi level marketing companies' ethics. DSA has said Life Vantage is the best networking company with the best compensation plan in America. What can be more reassuring than a compliment from your regulator?
LifeVantage is a public company with its shares trading in NASDAQ. One of the requirements for a listed company is to release its reports regularly to the public. You don't expect audited reports from a public company to have been doctored using creative accounting so the impressive growth Life Vantage has shown is real.
It is by good relation with employees and distributors a growth like the one reported in 2013 can be achieved. Satisfied distributors who are the drivers for growth will put more effort in their marketing to earn more commissions. Protadium is on high demand to make pharmaceutical products which you will find in pharmacy near you.
The benefits are many when you signup to be Life Vantage's distributor. The products you are selling are really great and the commission is the best in the market today. Under the regulation of DSA and requirements of public companies know that you are protected. You can even buy shares of the company to be working for yourself and making double earnings from the company
If you compare LifeVantage with other companies in multi level marketing you will be shocked how the others have had so many lawsuit and boardroom fights. Melaleuca for instance, has terminated many of its distributors plus has many cases in court. The devil of greed in money causes all this.
Life Vantage scam claims can't hold ground because of past mistakes. You will get the best mlm compensation plan in LifeVantage. This may be just the company you have been looking for.
About the Author:
Find out more about the Lifevantage scam by visiting today. For additional information on the best MLM compensation plan, view the links at now.
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